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Pre-Paid Meal Card

Pre-Paid Meal Card


The Pre-paid Meal Card (PPMC) is an amount that you commit to spending in the Refectory/Curiositea during the academic year. The Hospitality Department currently provides the following three options:

  • Option 1 Gift card £150.00 valid for 1 academic year £140,00
  • Option 2 Gift card £100.00 valid for 1 academic year £95.00
  • Option 3 Gift card £50.00 valid for 1 academic year £50.00

Once you have chosen your Gift card option and paid for it, please wait up to 72 hours for us to generate your barcode.  We'll be in touch as soon as we can!

Option 1 (£140.00)
Option 2 (£95.00)
Option 3 (£50.00)

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